From Our Blog
An Analysis of the Admissibility of the Evidence of a Power of Attorney Holder in Civil Suits in Nigeria
This article, written by Obinna Akpuchukwu was published in the Volume 10 Edition of the

Patients’ Rights to their Medical Records in Nigeria
By Obinna AkpuchukwuVincent K Ibekwe While the topic may appear straightforward, it holds significant importance

A Review of the Nigerian Data Protection Act 2023 in the Light Of Nigeria’s Race To Create a Digital Economy
INTRODUCTION In the European Union, as a rule, the provisions of the General Data Protection

Appeal from the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court on Grounds of Mixed Law and Fact: a Right in Legal Limbo?
THE GRAVITAS REVIEW OF BUSINESS & PROPERTY LAW December 2020 Vol.11 No.4 Appeal From The

Increasing Data Privacy Regulations: a Catalyst or Barrier to Technological Innovations?
The unmistakable adage making the rounds in the 21st century is that data is the

Repositioning Nigerian Legal Education for a Globally Competitive Legal Market in the 21st Century
There is nowhere in the 318 sections of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of

The Concept of ‘No Fault’ Divorce: Compatibility with the Matrimonial Jurisprudence of Nigeria
In 2023 alone Hugh Jackman (Actor who plays Wolverine in the X-Men Movie series) and

Custody of Children in Nigeria: Salient Points to Note